Thursday, March 20, 2008

March Events

We had another fun and exciting event! A group of 30 7-8th graders came from Acworth. It rained hard most of the weekend but we still had a good time, playing games, worshiping and listening to different speakers. Keeping a close eye on we anticipated a clear spot and had enough time to get half the group through the pamper pole and drop zone, but only one person made it through high ropes before the thunder picked up again.

Here is Liz and other staff serving lunch from the Pensgower. And Adam and I went camo covered for the midnight game of capture the flag. (Our hand sign means- "Invisible Love" -ha.) This event was a huge blessing to us, it reminded us of how much we love to work with younger kids and gave us a picture of what camp will be like this summer! We also had a great group of volunteers who showed up to help. All the credit goes to them!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Our second group came last weekend. 100 volunteers from Buckhead Church's Singles ministry attended camp for a team building retreat. We had 18 CH volunteers come to help and they were all fantastic! The first night it rained until 11pm, but we set some diesel soaked logs on fire to keep the group warm. Then I witnessed a true spectacle. Serveral people stayed up past 2am playing Rock Band in the pavalion. The next day, we divided them into 6 groups and they all went through high and low ropes. We were all running around so much, picking up the groups in the Pensgower, serving food, running the ropes courses that I didn't have a lot of time to take pictures. Here is a picture of one of the groups on the low ropes course balancing challenge. They got on one at a time to try and stay balanced until the whole group was on and the platform stayed level. I saw many people really push themselves, and it was obvious that they grew closer together. The whole weekend was great, we cannot wait to have them back next year.

In case anyone is interested, when I am not at camp, I am at home or at the office working. We are looking for organizations in inner city Atlanta, who we can partner with and provide events for thier kids. Also, we are looking for ways we can reach out to the Ellijay community. We would love to serve needy families there as well. Here is a picture of me hard at work.

March News Letter

Isn’t true that a person’s character grows most when their abilities are stretched and they have to rely on others for support? We see this principle at work every time a group comes to Camp Highland. This year over 1000 kids from 5-16 will experience this truth at Highland’s adventure camps. Father’s will bring their children to grow deeper into a lifestyle which reflects the love relationship of God as our Father. Hundreds of lives will be changed and Christ’s name will be proclaimed in everything we do. God has been using Camp Highland’s love and adventure model for 15 years now. Would you like to play a part in what God is doing at Highland?

If you have not already heard, Elizabeth and I will be working full time for Camp Highland starting April 1st. Our roles on staff will fill two strategic positions for Highland. Our vision and purpose for taking these jobs are fourfold:

· We will invite God to work in our lives to advance His Kingdom through Camp Highland! Our positions will allow expansion of programs to AIDS affected children in Africa, inner city families of Atlanta, needy families in Ellijay and further development of programs for summer camp and retreat groups.
· During the summers we will be training and mentoring the summer staff for Camp Highland’s Wilderness Program! Our hope is that we will provide the necessary spiritual and logistic leadership for these counselors.
· In the spring and fall we will direct the programs for retreat groups, team building events, and family programs. We will work directly with leaders to provide tailored events to meet the spiritual needs of each group.
· We will be moving to Ellijay for the summer so that we may be a positive Christian influence in North Georgia and establish a strong camp community for future programs.

As you can imagine, camp is an expensive operation. In order for us to be on staff we must raise a portion of our salaries. We are asking you to partner with us, so that we may play our part in accomplishing these goals. God has already begun a great work through many of you!

Our current partners have made 1 year commitments equaling 39% of our goal! And 11 people have committed to praying for us! We will meet our goal if:30 more people commit to $25 a month.20 more people commit to $50 a month.6 more people commit to $100 a month.(These are suggested commitments, any amount is greatly appreciated.)

We would like to have 30 prayer partners.
Each prayer partner commits to praying for us each week for the next year.
You will receive a monthly e-mail update with our specific prayer requests.

If you have already made a commitment, please know how grateful we are for you and thank God for you every day. God promises to bless you because of your faithfulness! To everyone else, we ask that you would seek out God’s heart on this opportunity. Please prayerfully consider making a commitment.
Our April 1st deadline is quickly approaching